Alter Ego(s)
First Appearance
Y'onia, Fain
Justice League Quarterly, Vol. 1, #17
Winter, 1994
Paul Kupperberg
Danny Rodriguez
Action Comics, Vol. 1, #278
July, 1961
Jerry Coleman
Curt Swan
The Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 2, #290
August, 1982
Paul Levitz
Keith Giffen and Larry Mahlstedt
The Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 2, #290
August, 1982
Paul Levitz
Keith Giffen and Larry Mahlstedt
Yaeger, Spike
Action Comics, #63
August, 1943
Don Cameron (signed as Jerry Siegel)
Ira Yarborough (signed as Joe Shuster)
Yaga, Baba
The Books of Magic, Vol. 1, #3
March, 1991
Neil Gaiman
Charles Vess
Yagor, Mog
Adventure Comics, Vol. 1, #341
February, 1966
Jerry Siegel
Curt Swan
Super Malon
The Flash, Vol. 2, Annual #13
Chuck Dixon
Enrique Alcatena
Yakko Warner (Warner Bros. Animation)
September 13, 1993
Yalan Gur
Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern, Vol. 3, #19
December, 1991
Gerard Jones
Joe Staton. Mark Bright, Martin Nodell and Pat Broderick
Yale Strang
Chain Gang
Chain Gang War, Vol. 1, #1
July, 1993
John Wagner
Dave Johnson
Yan Qing
The Hacker Files, Vol. 1, #7
February, 1993
Lewis Shiner
Tom Sutton
Yankee Doodle Boy (Quality Comics)
Jimmy Jones
National Comics, Vol. 1, #1
July, 1940
Toni Blum (as Anthony Lamb)
Yankee Doodle Dandy
John Dandy
Doom Patrol, Vol. 2, #51
January, 1992
Grant Morrison
Richard Case
Yankee Eagle (Quality Comics)
Larry Noble and Jerry Noble
Military Comics, Vol. 1, #1
August, 1941
John Stewart
William A. Smith
Yankee Guerilla (Quality Comics)
Franklin Darrow
Crack Comics', Vol. 1, #26
November, 1942
Charles Sultan
Yankee Poodle
Rova Barkitt
The Zoo Crew
New Teen Titans, #16
February, 1982
Roy Thomas
Scott Shaw
Action Comics, Vol. 1, #338
June, 1966
Edmond Hamilton
Curt Swan
Yanni Stavros (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
Batman: The Animated Series
May 24, 1993
Judith Reeves-Stevens and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Yanoff, Mitchell
Detective Comics, Vol. 1, #500
March, 1981
Cary Bates
Carmine Infantino
Yarrok of Zulkan
Wizard of the Cosmos
Mystery in Space, Vol. 1, #98
March, 1965
Dave Wood
Lee Elias
Yarrow, Timothy
Action Comics, Vol. 1, #509
July, 1980
Cary Bates
Jim Starlin
Yasunari, Izumi
Rising Sun
Big Science Action
Super Friends, Vol. 1, #8
November, 1977
E. Nelson Bridwell
Ramona Fradon
Yat, Sodam
Ion and the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2263
Green Lantern Corps and Guardians of the Universe
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual, Vol. 1, #2
Alan Moore
Kevin O'Neill
Yatz, Professor (Amalgam Comics)
Spider-Boy, Vol. 1, #1
April, 1996
Karl Kesel
Mike Wieringo and Gary Martin
Yatz, Vincent
Showcase, Vol. 1, #73
April, 1968
Steve Ditko
Steve Ditko
Yeager, Alex
Batman versus Predator, Vol. 1, #1
Dave Gibbons
Andy Kubert
Yeager, Chuck
DC: The New Frontier, #1
Darwyn Cooke
Darwyn Cooke
Yeats, Chief
Gotham City Police Department
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, Vol. 1, #44
April, 1993
Steven Grant
Shawn McManus
Yeats, William Butler (Vertigo)
The Dreaming, Vol. 1, #35
April, 1999
Caitlin R. Kiernan
Rebecca Guay
Yedziniak, George
U.S. Air Force
Wonder Woman, Vol. 2, #32
July, 1989
George Pérez
Tom Grummett
Yee, Wilson (Wildstorm)
Stormwatch, Vol. 1, #28
September, 1995
Jeff Mariotte
Ron Lim
Rainbow Raiders
Flash, Vol. 2, #217
February, 2005
Geoff Johns
Howard Porter
Yellow Lantern
Bizarro-Green Lantern and Bizarro-Hal Jordan
Sinestro Corps and Bizarro League
DC Comics Presents, Vol. 1, #71
July, 1984
Cary Bates
Curt Swan
Yellow Peri
Loretta York
New Adventures of Superboy, Vol. 1, #32
October, 1982
Bob Rozakis
Kurt Schaffenberger
Yellowjacket (Charlton Comics)
Vince Harley
Yellowjacket Comics, Vol. 1, #1
September, 1944
Yen Wang
Jess Bright, Jeff Brght and Koschei the Deathless
Suicide Squad, Vol. 1, #50
February, 1991
John Ostrander and Kim Yale
Geof Isherwood, Luke McDonnell and Grant Miehm
Yer Sti-Tuan
Mist Master
League of Super-Assassins and Legion of Super-Villains
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1, #253
July, 1979
Gerry Conway
Joe Staton
Yera Allon
Chameleon Girl and Shrinking Violet (II)
Legion of Super-Heroes
Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 2, #286
April, 1982
Paul Levitz
Keith Giffen and Pat Broderick
Anatoli Feodorovitch Kalunnin
Red Shadows
Suicide Squad, Vol.1, #54
June, 1991
John Ostrander and Kim Yale
John K. Snyder III
Hu Wei
Great Ten
52, Vol. 1, 32
December, 2008
Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka and Mark Waid
Keith Giffen and Patrick Olliffe
Yggardis, the Living Planet
DC Comics Presents, Vol. 1, 78
February, 1985
Marv Wolfman
Curt Swan
Yi, Lao
The Hacker Files, Vol. 1, #7
February, 1993
Lewis Shiner
Tom Sutton
Yikar (also known as Prince Yikar)
Action Comics, Vol. 1, #298
March, 1963
Leo Dorfman
Curt Swan
Yin, Ellen (Warner Bros. Animation)
Gotham City Police Department
The Batman
September 11, 2011
Yindell, Ellen
Gotham City Police Department
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Vol. 1, #2
April, 1986
Frank Miller
Frank Miller
Action Comics, , Vol. 1, #400
May, 1971
Leo Dorfman (as Geoff Browne)
Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson
Yyndamaati of Euphorix and Vandal
Omega Men
Omega Men, Vol. 1, #33
December, 1985
Roger Slifer
Keith Giffen
Yogi (Quality Comics)
Death Patrol
Military Comics, Vol. 1, #20
July, 1943
Gill Fox
Gill Fox
Yogul, Suleiman
The Shadow Strikes!, Vol. 1, #30
April, 1992
Gerard Jones
Rod Whigman
Yokohama, Dai
Big Science Action
Final Crisis Sketchbook, Vol. 1, #1
May, 2008
Grant Morrison
J. G. Jones
Yolanda Montez
Wildcat (II)
Infinity Inc. and Shadow Fighters
Infinity Inc., Vol. 1, #12
March, 1985
Roy Thomas
Todd McFarlane
Yorkin, Clive
Flash, Vol. 1, #270
February, 1979
Irv Novick
Frank McLaughlin
Yoru Sensei (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
Batman: The Animated Series
February 23, 1993
Steve Perry
Yoshio Natsume
The Hacker Files, Vol. 1, #7
February, 1993
Lewis Shiner
Tom Sutton
Young Frankenstein
Teen Titans
Teen Titans, Vol. 3, #38
September, 2006
Geoff Johns
Tony Daniel
Young Lambert
Mel Lambert and Ted Lambert
Detective Comics, Vol. 1, #27
Bill Finger
Bob Kane
Young, Dan
Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern, Vol. 2, #149
February, 1982
Paul Kupperberg
Don Newton and Dan Adkins
Young, Sam (Warner Bros. Animation DCAU))
Batman Beyond
Youngblood, Arthur
Brave and the Bold, Vol. 2, #3
February, 1992
Mike Grell and Mike Baron
Shea Anton Pensa
Action Comics, Vol. 1, #390
October, 1960
E. Nelson Bridwell
Win Mortimer
Green Lantern, Vol. 2, #182
November, 1984
Joey Cavalieri
Kevin O'Neill
Yo Yo
Yu, Footu (an alias)
Doctor Sivana (Fawcett Comics)
Whiz Comics, Vol. 1, #15
March, 1941
Bill Parker
C.C. Beck
Yuga Khan
New Gods of Apokolips
New Gods, Vol. 3, #17
June, 1990
Paris Cullins
Mark Evanier
Yuna the Terrible (Hanna-Barbera)
Super Friends
September 27, 1980
Green Lantern of Space Sector 53
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps: Secret Files and Origins, Vol. 1, #1
February, 2008
Geoff Johns and Sterling Gates
Howard Porter, Patrick Gleason, Guy Major, Ivan Reis, Tom Nguyen, Angel Unzueta and Scott Kolins
Yz, the Thunderbolt
Flash Comics, #1
January, 1940
John Wentworth
Stan Aschmeier
DC Comics characters: Y, List of