Appearing in "Blood Hungry part 2: Two Scents Worth"
Featured Characters:
- Wolverine (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Tyger Tiger (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Lister (First appearance)
- Rimmer (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Blood Hungry part 2: Two Scents Worth"
Using his claws as pitons, Wolverine climbs the wall of General Coy’s estate and recalls Tyger Tiger asking him to spy on Coy. Inside, Coy meets with Cyber about smuggling drugs. Wolverine sneaks past Coy’s guards and approaches Coy’s office, but Cyber telepathically senses him, punches through a wall, and grabs him by the throat. They recognize each other and fight until Cyber eviscerates Wolverine. With Cyber taunting him, Wolverine holds his guts in and flees, jumping out a window.
Appearing in "Life During War Time (Part 5) - True Colors"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Arms of Salvation
- Cross
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Life During War Time (Part 5) - True Colors"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Just Friends part 2: Drawing Stares"
Featured Characters:
- Beast (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Jennifer Nyles (Only in flashback)
- Commander Courage (Appears in shadow only)
Other Characters:
- Edna McCoy (Only in flashback)
- Norton McCoy (Only in flashback)
- Evan (Only in flashback)
- Capt. Mascelein (Death)
Synopsis for "Just Friends part 2: Drawing Stares"
On the flight to Brussels, Beast tells the passenger next to him about Jennifer Nyles, his high school girlfriend. She convinced him to go to their junior prom with her and defended him against a bullying classmate. At the Belgian Ministry of Defense, Commander Courage stands before his captain’s corpse. Upon landing at the airport, Hank continues his story, relating how Jennifer persuaded the school’s football coach to let him play quarterback. Even though she went to college in London, their relationship continued until Professor X erased her memory when Hank joined the X-Men. Beast arrives at the hotel and notes that Jennifer is speaking at the symposium. Suddenly, the doorman reveals himself as the assassin Constrictor and attacks.
Appearing in "Take Me Out to the Bomb Game"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Burke
Other Characters:
- Leaping Lenny Lando (baseball player)
- Joltin' Joe Geronimo (baseball player)
- Wally Strokemutter (baseball player)
- Dave Decker (baseball player)
- Metro Stadium
Synopsis for "Take Me Out to the Bomb Game"
- Synopsis not yet written
- "Two Scents Worth" is reprinted in:
- Wolverine: Blood Hungry trade paperback (1993);
- True Believers: Wolverine - Blood Hungry #1 (Jul. 2018);
- Wolverine Omnibus vol. 3 hardcover (2022).
- "Drawing Stares" is reprinted in the Marvel Universe by Rob Liefeld Omnibus hardcover published in 2019.