Appearing in "Sterility 'R' Us!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Sentinels Mk II (Flashback and main story)
- Sentinel No. 2 (Destroyed in this issue)
- Sentinel No. 5
- Dr. Cynthia Chalmers (Flashback and main story)
Other Characters:
- Robert Chalmers (Only in flashback)
- Jim (scientist) (Death)
- unnamed scientists (Death)
- Marvel Universe
- Australia
- New South Wales
- Solar Observatory
- Northern Territory
- Ant Hill (Flashback and main story)
- New South Wales
- Iraq (Only in flashback)
- Australia
Synopsis for "Sterility 'R' Us!"
The X-Men free Dr. Chalmers, and she explains that she is Judge Chalmers’ daughter. Psylocke telepathically scans her mind, revealing she stole the blueprints for the Mark II Sentinels from her father and illegally paid to have their Australian base excavated. The excavation crew turned on her and tied her up, intent on selling the Sentinels’ remains. Then, the Sentinels revived and repaired themselves, killed the crew, and left to continue their campaign against mutants. Havok deduces that the robots once again intend to use solar flares to sterilize humanity and thus prevent any more mutant births. At the observatory in New South Wales, Storm wakes up in a stasis tube next to Doc Samson and the Abomination. She overhears the Sentinels plan to use the two gamma-irradiated superhumans as catalysts for mass sterilization and watches as they kill the observatory scientists in a test. Using her powers, she frees herself and attacks. A rainstorm she generates awakens Samson and he comes to her aid. Soon, the Abomination wakes up as well and joins the fight. With his superhuman strength, he opens a crevasse in the ground and pulls the Sentinels’ leader No. 2 into it with him. Just as the robots overwhelm Storm and Samson, the other X-Men arrive and save them. The team saw the news article about solar flares and deduced the Sentinels were using the observatory as a base. Having hung back to gather his strength, Havok enters and destroys the remaining robots with a massive energy blast. The battle over, the X-Men teleport away with Samson. Chalmers stays behind and watches the Abomination burst out of the ground. Dying of cancer, she convinces him to help her rebuild the Mark II Sentinels and use them to destroy mutants.
Appearing in "Guardian Angel"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Simon Halloway) (First appearance)
- Stinger (Only appearance; dies)[1]
- Jamal (Single appearance)[1]
- Mark (Single appearance)[1]
- Stu (Only appearance; dies)[1]
Other Characters:
- Jimmy Genova (Single appearance)[1]
Synopsis for "Guardian Angel"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Shroud vs the Deacon!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "The Shroud vs the Deacon!"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Gator Show"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Swifty Alonzo (Single appearance)[1]
Other Characters:
- The Cossack (Single appearance)[1]
Synopsis for "The Gator Show"
- Synopsis not yet written
- "Sterility 'R' Us!" takes place prior to Uncanny X-Men vol. 1 #246 during the period of time that the X-Men were headquartered in Australia.