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Quote1 It's getting so a guy can't even put on his costume before someone starts screaming for help-- Quote2
-- Spider-Man

Appearing in "To Sow the Seeds of Death's Day!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Synopsis for "To Sow the Seeds of Death's Day!"

--For a full synopsis of this comic, please see the original publishing of this comic in Giant-Size Spider-Man #4.--

Appearing in "...Plumb(-ing) Tuckered Out"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Unnamed kidnapper

Other Characters:

  • Catfish LaRoe



  • Spider-Ham's Web-Shooters


  • Punfisher's battlevan

Synopsis for "...Plumb(-ing) Tuckered Out"

While Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham, is cleaning his dishes in his kitchen, his drain clogs up just as he hears a report on the news about local plumbers being kidnapped. To find a plumber, he seeks out his underworld informant, Catfish LaRoe, to see if he knows anything about the kidnappings. Spider-Ham finds LaRoe at the Oyster Bar filling out I.R.S. income tax forms in the aftermath of a violent brawl. Spider-Ham wonders who could have punished LaRoe like that.

Meanwhile, the Punfisher intervenes during a plumber kidnapping occurring at Penguin's Plumbing. The Punfisher attempts to punish the kidnapper by making him carry a pizza across the street into Diet Land when Spider-Ham swings by and attacks the Punfisher, mistakenly thinking the Punfisher is kidnapping the actual kidnapper. A brief battle ensues wherein the Punfisher gains the upper hand.

See Also


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