During World War II, a group of dedicated to the extermination of eccentricity and difference, named the Agency, began snatching the soul husks of men using the silver tongs of the all-powerful Telephone Avatar, a being they had trapped in the sub-basement of the Pentagon. These soul husks became the Men From N.O.W.H.E.R.E.) The Men captured Flex Mentallo, who was forced to create their bizarre weapons with his mind. They ran the Ant Farm in the basement of the Pentagon. these soul husks look like 2,5m tall humanoids, and their head is like a giant bird skull, or a technological approximation of a giant bird skull. They have a great cloak, but when bare-chested, you can see a *huge*, drooling, fanged mouth that just stays open. they try to use Dorothy Spinner to free the Telephone Avatar
The fake Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. were created using the stolen pentagon device called the Delirium Box. They were created by Darren Jones, a man who was clearly insane yet think he the epitome of normal when he was fired from the agency. When they tried to kill Danny the Street, they fought and were defeated by the Doom Patrol.Paraphernalia
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