This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Mimic (Earth-1610). |
Oh, Cap, you won't remember me, but you visited our base when my old unit was in Afghanistan.
- -- The Mimic src
The Mimic was a prototype Super-Soldier, said to be one of the first of many "Next Generation" Super-Soldiers created to eventually replace the New Ultimates.
When the New Ultimates derailed the train which was transporting the Mimic, as well as the other Super-Soldiers, his containment unit was ruptured and he was mortally wounded. He managed to have a brief conversation with the New Ultimates, telling Captain America how much he admired and respected him, before he died in Scott Lang's arms.[1]
Powers and Abilities
Mimic was supposed to possess various powers. He has demonstrated the ability to increase his size via an unknown process.
No control over his powers. Also, his increasing-size power seems to be painful.
Links and References
- 1 Appearances of Mimic (Earth-1610)
- Minor Appearances of Mimic (Earth-1610)
- Media Mimic (Earth-1610) was Mentioned in
- Images featuring Mimic (Earth-1610)
- 1 Quotations by or about Mimic (Earth-1610)
- Character Gallery: Mimic (Earth-1610)
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