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Thor Vol 1 494

Mjolnir on the cover of Thor #494.

Mjolnir (pronounced Myolneer) is the hammer wielded by Thor, the Norse god of thunder.[1]



[vague] Odin used the Uru he had been given by the Dwarves of Nidavellir when he saved their realm from the Trolls.[2] The Trolls forged the hammer.[3] Eitri, Brokk and Burri, the blacksmiths, used lots of heat to make it.[4] It took seven weeks to make.[5] The process of the star almost destroyed Midgard, which means it may have been made 65 million of years ago and have wiped out the dinosaurs.[6]

When Odin tried to wield Mjolnir, he couldn't due to God Tempest still controlling its power. The hammer went out of control and destroyed Asgard.


File:Mjolnir from Journey into Mystery Vol 1 83 0001.jpg

Thor finds Mjolnir in a cave in Norway.

Much later, the hammer was given to Odin's son, Thor. While he could not lift it at first, he soon proved worthy after only a few trials. The hammer was unbreakable and able to survive anything - even Ragnarök.


