Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "They Didn't Believe Him"

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Synopsis for "They Didn't Believe Him"

The story leads the reader to believe that village elders are being put upon by the fanciful tales of a youth who claims to have encountered a mermaid in the lake. They consider him mad for believing in such an outlandish thing as a mermaid and imprison him in a cave. The youth escapes and proceeds to the lake where he disappears. The elders follow his tracks and assume that he must have drown as (the last panel shows the elders from the waist down) "no sane centaur would believe in the existence of such a fanciful creature."

Appearing in "A World Where I Was King"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "A World Where I Was King"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "A Forgotten World"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "A Forgotten World"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "The Strange Guests of Tsarus"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Strange Guests of Tsarus"

See Also


Try Your Luck


Charlton Comics
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