Twenty years ago Homo Superior finally crawled out from under the oppression of Homo Sapiens. It was due to the efforts of many. But they were led by one. Magneto. The world needs mutants of great caliber. Brilliant minds. Brilliant souls. Brilliant leaders. Like Magneto. And that is why we founded the New Mutants Leadership Institute.
Twenty years ago when Homo Superiors finally crawled out from under the oppression of Homo Sapiens under the leadership of Magneto. Sometime after that, the New Mutants Leadership Institute was founded in the old United Nations Building to train young Homo Superiors from all over the planet to become the political leaders of tomorrow.
It is currently run independent of S.H.I.E.L.D. under the direction of Headmistress Xi'an Coy Manh
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of New Mutants Leadership Institute
- Location Gallery: New Mutants Leadership Institute
Links and References
- None.