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Appearing in "The Quick and the Dead"

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Other Characters:



  • Deathsword (First appearance)


Synopsis for "The Quick and the Dead"

Boom-Boom hurls a time-bomb at the Frost Giant, and Hrimhari bites his toe.  Still, the giant has the upper hand until Tiwaz appears and freezes him.  In Hel, Hela observes the fight with the enchained New Mutants and orders Eitri to forge her Deathsword.  Boom-Boom wakes up with Hrimhari and Warlock in Tiwaz’s palace and, after she briefly mistakes Tiwaz for another giant, Hrimhari begs for the sorcerer’s help. In Hel, as Eitri reluctantly finishes the sword, Rictor uses his powers to free himself, Mist, and the other New Mutants.  They sneak away and open the cell holding the Executioner and Odin’s warriors, the Einherjar. The warriors attack Hela, and Cannonball uses the distraction to snatch the Deathsword.  He and the New Mutants flee, and Rictor collapses a tunnel behind them.  Mist leads them away, but their path ends at a cliff.  Mist apologizes and reveals she is succumbing to Hela’s control.  In a prison on Earth, Rusty watches from his cell as guards escort the Vulture to the cell next door.  The villain declares Nitro will help him escape.  In Hel, Mist knocks the New Mutants off the cliff into the surrounding mists.  Hela catches the Deathsword, and Mist pledges her fealty.  On Hela’s order, Mirage searches for the New Mutants but cannot find them. In Asgard, Volstagg’s children tell the Grand Vizier about Hela’s plot against Odin.  He refuses to believe them so they decide to find the god Balder and warn him.  In Hel, Hela enchants the Deathsword, causing all of Asgard to quake.  Feeling the tremor, Tiwaz warns that, left unchecked, the sword could threaten the source of life, the World Tree.


  • This issue is reprinted in the New Mutants Epic Collection vol. 6: Curse of the Valkyries trade paperback published in 2018.

See Also

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