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Appearing in "Dominion part 4: Today, Tomorrow, Sometime, Never!"

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Synopsis for "Dominion part 4: Today, Tomorrow, Sometime, Never!"

Bootleg, Byrd, Dash, and Kodiak have returned to the present only to be taken captive by Dominion in their lodge.  Aboard the asteroid, Khyber has taken back the gem, giving him psionic powers he uses to attack Proctor.  At the lodge, Narcisse sees the New Men’s plight and shuts off the electricity. Dominion is scanning Dash’s mind when the lights go out and something takes out his troops.  The New Men are freed, and Kodiak attacks Dominion.  He retaliates, ignoring Bootleg who is able to duplicate his energy powers.  Byrd and Dash strike at him while Narcisse watches from the shadows and wonders who set them free.  In Seattle, Fowles visits the police lab and finds the Genesis Pods missing.  A scientist named Costello has taken them to his house and is using one to experiment on a woman he has abducted.  In the asteroid, Reign tells Pilot the way to stop Khyber is to get him to overload the gem.  At the lodge, the team subdues Dominion.  Kodiak pounces on him and starts tearing him apart.  Byrd stops Kodiak, reminding him they are not killers, and Dominion uses the distraction to teleport away.  Aboard the asteroid, Reign gets Proctor to safety while Pilot goads Khyber into overloading the gem until it causes him to explode.  Reign explains to Pilot and Proctor that the gem requires an organic host to function properly, but Khyber was composed of inorganic nanotech.  Dominion materializes in Khyber’s lab and is placed in stasis.  In deep space, a fast-moving being punches through an alien ship, destroying it.


  • This issue includes a character profile of Dominion with art by Todd Nauck, Marlo Alquiza, and Andre Khromov.


See Also


Try Your Luck

