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Appearing in "Chaos"

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Synopsis for "Chaos"

Night Man fights Mangle in the street, unsure if what he is experiencing is real. Nearby, Eddie tries to talk Gale out of leaving until they see Mangle overpower Night Man. Eddie pulls his gun and fires, giving Night Man time to regroup and fight back. Mangle dodges every punch so Night Man cuts a power line and uses it to shock Mangle. Spasming in pain, Mangle damages a street lamp, and a piece of it hits Gale in the head, knocking her out. Mangle flees as Night Man tells Eddie to get her to a hospital. Unaware Mangle is watching him with a drone, Night Man races back to Rasputin’s fort to try and make sense of what is happening to him. He steps back through the tear in space and finds Lord Pumpkin waiting for him. As they fight, Lord Pumpkin explains that the Jumpstart event linked his realm with Earth, but they were recently split apart, and Night Man has unwittingly become a bridge between the two. Back in San Francisco, doctors successfully remove the shrapnel from Gale’s brain and hope for her recovery. Just as Night Man bests Lord Pumpkin, Mangle arrives and attacks having followed Night Man through the tear in space. Both Mangle and Lord Pumpkin glow with energy, and it flows back and forth between them until they vanish. Night Man senses a crow perched on Lord Pumpkin’s cross can explain things and touches it with his magic knife so they can communicate. It explains that Lord Pumpkin and Mangle led parallel lives but were never supposed to meet. Fortunately, now that they have been defeated, order has been restored, and they will reconstitute in their native realms. At the hospital, Eddie is at Gale’s bedside as she awakens, but the doctor warns that her brain damage is permanent.



  • Gale Yee's head injury in this story parallels the head injury that Johnny Domingo sustained during the Jumpstart event in Strangers #1 that gave him his Ultra powers. Though a doctor says Gale has permanent brain damage, its effects are never revealed.

See Also


Try Your Luck

