This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Nightmare (Earth-1610). |
Nightmare appeared as a demon who entered Doctor Strange's mind and plagued it with nightmares. When Spider-Man entered the building Nightmare moved to Spider-Man's mind and plagued him with nightmares. Doctor Strange eventually entered Spider-Man's mind via a spell and vanquished the demon Nightmare. Nightmare's main appearance was as a half-rotted, gray corpse.
Nightmare later escaped Dr. Strange's Sanctonum after the Ultimatum wave broke the building's seal. Nightmare then possessed Dr. Strange's body before confronting Spider-Man and the Hulk. Nightmare attacked them both, plaguing the Hulk with nightmares of hundreds of dead bodies as a reminder of the people that the Hulk killed, and Peter of the various villains he fought in the past as well as a decayed Ben Parker. However, upon solidifying into a young looking purple being, the Hulk attacked him in response to the nightmares, causing Nightmare to jump into Dr. Strange's Orb of Acmantata. The Hulk attacked the orb resulting in a large explosion, presumably destroying Nightmare.
Powers and Abilities
Nightmare can shape shift into different forms based on the victim's memories and cause dreams to become nightmares
Links and References
- 3 Appearances of Nightmare (Earth-1610)
- Minor Appearances of Nightmare (Earth-1610)
- Media Nightmare (Earth-1610) was Mentioned in
- Images featuring Nightmare (Earth-1610)
- Quotations by or about Nightmare (Earth-1610)
- Character Gallery: Nightmare (Earth-1610)
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