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Appearing in "Watch Out World, the Sandman is Back!"

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Synopsis for "Watch Out World, the Sandman is Back!"

Richard Rider is present at a bank when Sandman attacks in an attempt to rob the bank. Before Richard can change to Nova, a new costumed hero named Crime-Buster arrives to try and stop Sandman. Richard changes to Nova and tries to help Crime-Buster, the two trap Sandman in the bank's vault. Crime-Buster thanks Nova for his help and departs, leaving Nova to take the heat for locking the Sandman in the vault without thinking about how they could get him out. Sandman himself however manages to escape through a drain for the sprinkler system and escape, all be it empty handed.

As Richard rushes to school in time for his psychology class, the Sandman is visited by Karl von Horstbaden, an agent of Yellowclaw, who is posing as a psychologist offering to help the Sandman get over his problems so that he can be a more successful criminal. However, Sandman is exposed to a device that puts him under the Yellowclaw's control, who has Samuel Burley (Son of Richard's classmate and antagonist Mike Burley) hostage.

Meanwhile, Nova is back on patrol, and he tries to stop a bunch of kidnappers from making off with T'Kora, a UN representative from Wakanda. In stopping the crooks, Nova is once more pitted against Sandman, and after a brief battle, Sandman is able to knock out Nova. Sandman and von Horstbaden take Nova and T'Kora back to Yelloclaw's headquarters where both are sequestered to holding cells. Sandman is then sent to Harry S. Truman High to capture Samuel's son Mike.

This story is continued next issue...


  • Cover art: Buckler signs as Validar.
  • Rachelson is credited as Phil Rache.

See Also


Try Your Luck

