Appearing in 1st story
Featured Profiles:
- 1602 A.D.
- 2020 A.D.
- 2099 A.D.
- 2099 A.D. Marvel Knights
- 8162 A.D.
- Abomination
- Abraxas
- Absorbing Man
- Abyss
- Achebe
- Acolytes
- Acrobat
- Acts of Vengeance
- Adamantium
- Aegis
- The Age of Apocalypse
- Aged Genghis
- Agent
- Agent X
- Agents of Atlas
- Ahab
- A.I.M.
- Akhenaten
- Albert & Elsie Dee
- Albion
- Abdul Alhazared
- Alkhema
- All-American
- All-Winners Squad
- Alpha Flight
- Amatsu-Kami
- Americop
- Amphibion
- Anachronauts
- Anarchist
- Ancient One
- Angel (Halloway)
- Angel (Worthington)
- Angels
- Animus
- Annex
- Annihilus
- Annihilus' Queens
- Annunaki
- Anole
- Answer
- Anti-Cap
- Ant-Man
- Apache Kid
- Apocalypse
- Apocalypse Beast
- Aqueduct
- Arabian Knight
- Arachne
- Araña
- Arcade
- U.S. Archer
- Ares
- Arides
- Armadillo
- Armorer
- Arranger
- Arsenal
- Asbestos Lady
- Ashake
- Ashcan
- Asmodeus
- Atlantis
- Atlas
- Atleza
- Atom Smasher
- Aurora
- Authority
- Avalanche
- Avengers
- Avengers Headquarters & Vehicles
- Avengers (MC2)
- Awesome Android
- Axis Mundi
- Axum
- Azazel
- Adam-II
- Aggamon
- Alpha the Ultimate Mutant
- Amun
- Android Man
- Arabian Knight (Hashim)
- Armor
- Asbestos Man
- Ba'al
- B.A.D. Girls, Inc.
- Badoon
- Sunset Bain
- Band of the Bland
- Banshee
- Barbarus
- Baron Mordo
- Baron Mordo's Minions
- Baron Strucker
- Baron Zemo (Heinrich)
- Baron Zemo (Helmut)
- Baroness
- Baroness Blood
- Bastion
- Batroc
- Battle-Axis
- Battleworld
- Batwing
- Beast
- Benny Beckley
- Bedlam
- Belasco
- Yelena Belova
- Bereet
- Berserker
- Beta Ray Bill
- Beyonder
- Bi-Beast
- Bible John
- Big Hero Six
- Big Man
- Big Mother
- Axel Weele
- Bishop
- Black Bolt
- Black Box
- Black Cat
- Black Crow
- Black Dragon
- Black Fox
- Black Knight
- Black Lama
- Black Marvel
- Black Panther
- Black Talon
- Black Tarantula
- Black Widow (Voyant)
- Black Widow (Romanova)
- Blackheart
- Blackout
- Blackwing (Manfredi)
- Blackwing (Bohusk)
Synopsis for 1st story
The most exciting and comprehensive Marvel handbook is finally here! Beginning a twelve-volume guide to the Marvel Universe with more than 100 huge entries in each tome!
- also includes a glossary A-P
- 240 Pages; $24.99 US
- Rereleased in paperback format on September 28, 2011 with corrections and an "Update Appendix", giving updates on the subject of each profile.