Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Quote1 Man-- the eternal interloper, the bludgeoning builder of dreams-- is a creature discontented with the wealth that surrounds him! Fingers outstretched and grasping, he has intruded upon places he has little right to be-- his imprint is left on the bed of the ocean, his corrugated bootmark on the face of the moon! I am called the Phantom Stranger-- and it is not my task to pass judgment on these deeds! I leave that up to you! Quote2
-- Phantom Stranger

Appearing in "Return to the Tomb of the Ice Giants"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ice Giants
  • Anthony Blake (Single appearance)[1]

Other Characters:

  • Frank (Only appearance; dies)[1]
  • Milt (Only appearance; dies)[1]




Synopsis for "Return to the Tomb of the Ice Giants"

An oil expedition in the arctic uncovers the hidden lair of the Ice Giants, who capture all involved and the Phantom Stranger who has returned to the area following the reopening of their lair.

The Ice Giants take everyone prisoner because the continued work to find oil in the region has caused the sought after chemical to leak into their domain and pollute their world. The Phantom Stranger helps free them all, however when land surveyor Tony Blake tries to betray his friends to the Ice Giants, not wanting the oil pipelline to effect the ecosystem.

During the Stranger's rescue attempt, Blake's firearm causes an avalanche that reburies the Ice Giants, and Tony along with them.

Appearing in "The Voice of Vengeance"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Susan
  • Briggs

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Voice of Vengeance"

Terrence Thirteen and his wife are asked to help John Richards, who claims that since his fathers death he's been haunted by a voice blaming him for his fathers death. Staying the night Maria and Terrence find that the voices are coming from radios, and other recording devices and that it was all perpetuated by John's sister.

Appearing in "Captive of the Cat Curse"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ambassador Fazir

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Captive of the Cat Curse"

Story reprinted from House of Secrets #60.

See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks

Try Your Luck

