Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Quote1 GASP, the m-magic worked! I've become the Jaguar! Quote2
-- Jaguar src 

When Zoologist Ralph Hardy was on exploration, he noticed a white jaguar. Before he could pursue it, an earthquake occurred and a huge serpent-like dinosaur emerged from the cracked ground. He ran for safety inside the ruins of an Incan Temple.

Once inside, he noticed the jaguar's tracks and followed them to an alter. Hanging off it, was a belt buckle with an emblem of a white jaguar. Hardley began to read the inscription on the wall, which noted only an animal lover could wear the buckle and be transformed into a human Jaguar.

He also noticed another large mural depicting the monster serpent. As he continued to read about the history of the temple, he learned that the belt was created to stop the rampage of the creature, and that it was up to him to wear the belt and fulfill that destiny. 


  • Self-Propelled Flight
  • Superhuman Durability:: His skin is as tough as rhino hide skin.
  • Zoopathy: His ability to communicate directly with animal life is limited to land-based mammals, excluding human beings.


  • Charisma: Though he does not use it as a "power," women find him irresistible. His handsomeness has been an asset, and he has charmed several of his female foes — many of them even proposing marriage.


  • He can't control illusions or objects that look like an animal, they must be "organic living creatures."


Nucleon-Energy Belt: by saying "Jaguar", he gains his powers, and transforms into the costumed hero.

  • As Ralph Hardy, he wears a fake mustache.
  • His secretary, Jill Ross, briefly knew his dual identity.
  • In the 1960s, his home phone was MAPLE 6-9369. [1]


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