Hey Kids Comics Wiki
Team Template

Harvey2 Official Team Name
Harvey2 Team Aliases
Pretty Boys
Harvey2 Status
Harvey2 Identity
Harvey2 Alignment
Harvey2 Universe
Harvey2 Base of Operations
Harvey2 Former Members
Donald Pierce, Slocum, Clegg, Dead Eye, Mangle, Vultura, Carol Danvers
First appearance
Last appearance


The Reavers are cyborgs created by Donald Pierce who have organized themselves as mercenaries loyal to Apocalypse. Apocalypse has allowed them to survive due to their enhanced cyborg nature and for having their technology provided to him[1].

In order to covertly attack his enemies the Human High Council, Apocalypse would have the Reavers smuggle themselves aboard a Sentinel evacuation of the remaining humans in North America, knowing that their cyborg nature would allow them to slip past the security in Europe without issue. Learning that Human High Council was plotting a nuclear strike -- thanks to insider information from traitor Brian Braddock -- Peirce, Slocum and Clegg would attack the airships, destroying their manual controls. The mutant mercenary Weapon X would clash with them, slaying Slocum and Clegg, but Pierce would escape[2].

When Weapon X would travel to Wundagore Mountain to convince the mutant teleporter Gateway to help teleport the strike force to America, he would be attacked by Dead Eye, Mangle and Vultura. Weapon X would destroy Dead Eye, Mangle and Vultura with the aid of his friend Carol Danvers, who would sacrifice herself in battle seemingly slaying Pierce[3].

Pierce would survive and use scrap components from other slain Reavers to turn Carol into a cyborg. They would attack the airfleet one more time, with Pierce killing Brian Braddock in the process. In the final conflict, Weapon X would convince Carol to shake off Pierce's conditioning only for her to be slain by Pierce as well. Furious at seeing his friend killed, Weapon X would surprise Pierce by impaling him with the claws hidden in his severed hand, killing him instantly[1].


Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.


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  • No trivia.

See Also

Links and References

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