Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "Star Light, Star Bright -- First Star I Kill Tonight!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Crew of the Starfire
    • Orn (First appearance)
    • K'tten (First appearance)
    • Depalo (First appearance)


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Star Light, Star Bright -- First Star I Kill Tonight!"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "Better to Burn Out - Than to Rage Away"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Untitled

Other Characters:

  • Midalia Alvarez (Death)



  • Life Hammer


Synopsis for "Better to Burn Out - Than to Rage Away"

Somewhere in Colorado, a member of the Untitled has used a member of its own in order to find an object called the Life Hammer. Having broken several convicts out of prison earlier that day for the purpose of this operation, he has them hold her back while he kills her.

As they make their escape, they are watched and pursued by Essence, the last daughter of the Untitled, who is sworn to destroy them. She kills the convicts, but the Untitled catches her by surprise. He warns that some of them have decided to take action since she and the Red Hood have apparently declared war on them.

Though this is not exactly true, the bold move by the Untitled pushes Essence to vow never to let them use the Life Hammer against humanity - if she survives this night, anyway.


  • The title is a reference to an old nursery rhyme which begins, "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight."

See Also


Try Your Luck

