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Quote1 What the hell have you done? Quote2
-- Detective John Mercado

Appearing in "Seeds of Doubt"

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Synopsis for "Seeds of Doubt"

Detective John Mercado arrives at Rose Forrest's apartment and sees the mess that Thorn has made, along with the two thugs she took down. He shakes her awake and she begins flirting with him. He puts her in her bed and ties her wrists to the headboard while he takes a moment to think about what to do next. He decides to call his partner, Curtis Leland.

At the hospital, Ashleigh Penzler escapes.

The two detectives take the criminals away and promise to make them keep things quiet. Mercado goes back to Rose's apartment to make sure she is OK. Rose is now the dominant personality and she decides to tell Mercado the truth about her split personality. Mercado is absorbing this when Rose becomes the dominant personality and knocks him unconscious. Thorn then changes into her green costume and breaks into the apartment manager's apartment and pressures him to tell her everything he knows about the 100.

Leland arrives at Rose's apartment and finds Mercado unconscious on the floor.

See Also


Try Your Luck

