Appearing in "Dead-End Kids, Part 3"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Street Arabs (First appearance)
- Spieler (Lillie McGurty) (First appearance chronologically)
- Swell (Eddie Gunnam) (First appearance)
- Tristan (First appearance chronologically)
- Dead George Pelham (First appearance)
- Megan Hoyden (First appearance)
- Creeper (First appearance)
- Yellow Kid (First appearance)
- Jacob (First appearance)
- Sinners (First appearance)
- Maneater (First appearance)
- Forget-Me-Not (First appearance)
- Kid Twist (First appearance)
- Morphine (First appearance)
- Dale Yorkes
- Stacey Yorkes
- The Pride (Appears on a Computer Screen, TV or Hologram Only)
- Victor Stein (Appears on a Computer Screen, TV or Hologram Only)
- Janet Stein (Mentioned)
- Robert Minoru (Mentioned)
- Tina Minoru (Mentioned)
- Mr. Prast (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Gertrude Yorkes (Appears on a Computer Screen, TV or Hologram Only)
- Upward Path
- Adjudicator
(First appearance)
- Adjudicator
- Klara Prast (First appearance)
- Typhoid Mary (Mary Walker) (Mentioned)
- Daredevil (Matt Murdock) (Mentioned)
- Professor Duck (Mentioned)
- Staff of One
- Karolina's Medical Alert Bracelet
- Overdrive
- Swell's Stick (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Dead-End Kids, Part 3"
- Synopsis not yet written
- This story was reprinted in Runaways TPB Vol 2 #5.
- The date on the newspaper that Xavin purchases is June 27, 1907. But the boy selling the paper talks about Typhoid Mary (Mary Mallon, see "links" for more details) being captured. While he describes her capture coming after a fight (she didn't want to be quarantined, so it's accurate), she was actually arrested on March 19, a full three months prior. Not exactly "news."
- As the Runaways walk through the city, people can be seen protesting against sweatshops, which were known to be dangerous to work in (they often lacked proper ventilation, means of escape in case of fire, and workers were often kept inside for more than ten hours a day). While the fire that breaks out in this issue is fictional, a better example of this would be the Triangle shirtwaist fire of 1909. See links.
- The speaker at the sweatshop protests bears a strong resemblance to the famed anarchist Emma Goldman (or at least to photos of Goldman from that period.)
- The Yellow Kid is a direct reference to, and probably intended as the basis for, the first truly popular comic strip character. See links.
- "The New York Herald" was a newspaper published between 1835 and 1924.
See Also
Links and References
- Mary Mallon's arrest.
- Wikipedia article on the "New York Herald."
- Wikipedia article on the Triangle shirtwaist fire
- Information on the Yellow Kid