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Quote1 I may not have been able to bring Hawkeye back, but bringing back this Avenger? That's something he would've wanted. Quote2

Appearing in "Time of Her Life"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • TVA hqs
  • Timely Plaza
  • 15 years from now (Single appearance)[1]
  • Planet Zed (Mentioned)
  • Xorgon city (Mentioned)
  • Asteroid (Only in flashback)
  • Planet Skardon (Mentioned)
  • 2 years from now (Single appearance)[1]



Synopsis for "Time of Her Life"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

  • Join Marvel in celebrating 25 years and 100 solo issues of She-Hulk in this hundred page special! Get ready for the most important case in She-Hulk's life—because SHE’S the accused!
  • Charged with crimes against the space-time continuum, the TVA is placing She-Hulk in a “Time Trial.” If she loses? Her entire personal history-- her very existence—could be erased right out of the Marvel Universe!
  • Guest stars abound as your favorite Marvel characters and artists help spin a tale that spans every incarnation of the Emerald Amazon!
  • Also in this issue: two of She-Hulk's most important issues, SAVAGE SHE-HULK #1 and SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK #1 in all their four color glory!



  • Pencilers: Juan Bobillo, Paul Pelletier and Rick Magyar (p. 5), Scott Kolins (pp. 7-9), Mike Vosburg (pp. 10-12), Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti (pp. 13-15), Ron Frenz, Joe Sinnott and Sal Buscema (pp. 16-18), Mike Mayhew (pp. 19-20), Don Simpson (pp. 21-22), Lee Weeks (pp. 23-24), Eric Powell (pp. 27-29), Tom Grummett and Gary Erskine (p. 100)

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks