Appearing in "Beaus & Eros Part 1: I'm with Cupid"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Starfox (Eros)
(Appears in flashback and main story)
- Thing (Ben Grimm)
Colonel John Jameson
- Two-Gun Kid (Matthew Hawk)
Grizzly (Maxwell Markham)
- Cauldron (Cameo)
- Eel (Edward Lavell) (Cameo)
- Mad Thinker (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Christina Garvey
- Madcap (Cameo)
- Gibbon (Martin Blank) (Cameo)
- Dottie
- I.S.A.A.C. (Appears on a computer screen, TV, or hologram only)
- Mentor (A'Lars) (Mentioned)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers) (Mentioned)
- Guardsmen
- Billy
- Judge McCaffrey
- Titan (Only in flashback)
- Albany
- Court of Appeals
- Courtroom
- Court of Appeals
- Timely Plaza
- Atlas tower
- Madison Square Garden (Mentioned)
- Gamma charger
- Clint's flying motor
Synopsis for "Beaus & Eros Part 1: I'm with Cupid"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
- She-Hulk’s firm is dealing with their first superhuman sexual assault case. Their client? Eros of Titan, the space-faring Avenger called Starfox!
- And when emotions get over-heated at the office-- expect a love triangle or two to finally come to a head!
- What will this mean for Pug, She-Hulk, and John Jameson? And who (or what) is Awesome Andy falling for?!