Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "The Big Reveal"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:




  • E.V.A. (Extreme Vertical Assault) Interceptor

Synopsis for "The Big Reveal"

In the midst of super-hero Civil War, She-Hulk (Jen Walters) and John Jameson get quicky married in Las Vegas. Later, Spider-Slayer-ific hilarity ensues when Shulkie has her first awkwardly confrontational dinner with the in-laws.

Appearing in "My Dinner With Jonah"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:


  • Jameson house



  • Space capsule (Mentioned)

Synopsis for "My Dinner With Jonah"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Read SHE-HULK #8 yet? Bet you didn’t see THAT coming, didja? Wild, huh?

  • Spiraling out of the end of last issue’s CIVIL WAR crossover, She-Hulk’s life will NEVER be the same again!
  • Sure, OTHER books SAY that all the time. But when have WE ever said it over in the SHE-HULK book? Really. Trust us, WE’RE good for it.
  • So... After She-Hulk and SPOILER went and SPOILERED, it’s time to deal with the fall out! And that leads to a SPOILER with SPOILER!!!
  • Miss this one, and you’ll be kicking yourself in the CENSORED for months!

See Also

Links and References

