This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Shiro Yoshida (Earth-1610). |
Sunfire was among the members of Alpha Flight sent to capture Northstar. While fighting the X-Men, he was able to overpower Firestar.Empty citation (help)
Whilst at Department H, Jubilee commented that Sunfire had not powered down for days. However even his high-power level, was not enough to defeat the raged and Banshee powered Colossus.Empty citation (help)
Sunfire's activities during and following the Ultimatum event remain unknown.
Powers and Abilities
Seemingly those of his mainstream counterpart.
- Banshee: Sunfire utilizes the power-enhancing drug Banshee to increase his powers to a "god-like" level.Empty citation (help)
- Containment Suit: Sunfire appeared to be wearing a containment suit.
Carrier Jet
Sunfire's appearance bears similarity to his Age of Apocalypse counterpart, with plasma emitting from his body, and seemingly a containment suit.
Links and References
- 2 Appearances of Shiro Yoshida (Earth-1610)
- Minor Appearances of Shiro Yoshida (Earth-1610)
- Media Shiro Yoshida (Earth-1610) was Mentioned in
- 1 Images featuring Shiro Yoshida (Earth-1610)
- Quotations by or about Shiro Yoshida (Earth-1610)
- Character Gallery: Shiro Yoshida (Earth-1610)
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