Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "The Good, The Bad and the Uncanny!"

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Synopsis for "The Good, The Bad and the Uncanny!"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "The Terror of Tim Boo Ba"

Featured Characters:


Synopsis for "The Terror of Tim Boo Ba"

Story recreated from Amazing Adult Fantasy #9, with the addition of the Watcher acting as the host.


  • This issue features a two page letters page, Who Speaks for the Surfer?. Letters are published from Tom Brown, Gary Anderson, D. D. Toman, Doug Fratz, Dennis Lien, Brian Carlson, and Evan Katten.


  • It is disputed that this book is a "low distribution" issue. Some price guides have listed it as such. Roy Thomas, who worked at Marvel Comics at the time has no recall of a low distribution or the urban myth of a truckload of Silver Surfer #4's being "hijacked" prior to the issue's distribution.
  • In a TwoMorrows interview in Jack Kirby Collector #18 (January, 1998), artist John Buscema notes that he intentionally broke from the traditional Marvel/Jack Kirby style in this particular issue. Although writer/editor Stan Lee did not appreciate the work at the time of its publication, Buscema noted in the interview that Lee later shared with Buscema that the writer/editor believed that this particular issue was the "the greatest thing you and I ever turned out!"

See Also


Try Your Luck

