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Appearing in "Shades of Truth"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





  • Taskmaster's Hovercar

Synopsis for "Shades of Truth"

Siren holds War Machine at gunpoint and argues with him until, to her surprise, he decks her. Realizing she has a limited ability to influence his mind, he jams the frequency on which her ability operates and opens fire. She dodges his blasts and fires back with her gun, but her shots fail to pierce his armor. Finally, she somehow generates a blast of ocean water that knocks him out. Diamondback finds Siren and decides they should leave. Arguing over their failure to kill War Machine, they fly back to Taskmaster’s academy. After they land, Kyi reveals himself and boasts of stowing away on their jet, hoping it will gain him admission to the academy. The three go to see Taskmaster, and he reveals the hit on James Rhodes was a ruse to gather information on War Machine’s new armor. An upgraded shuriken Taskmaster gave to Siren recorded their battle. Kyi wants to audition for the academy, but Taskmaster is resistant and says Kyi’s test will be against him. At Project PEGASUS, Whizzer briefs the Squadron Supreme on the anomalies he has detected. They think taking action is premature, but he argues they should intervene immediately. Back at the academy, Kyi’s test is that he must get past Taskmaster to make a basketball goal. To Taskmaster’s shock, Kyi succeeds by opening a portal over the basket and dropping the ball inside. Meanwhile, Siren fears Taskmaster will learn from the shuriken recording that she offered to spare Rhodes for a price. Diamondback catches Siren looking for the shuriken, and Siren attacks her.

Appearing in "Phoenix Resurrection part 3: Red Shift - Siren"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Previous Appearance of Beast Beast Next Appearance of Beast (On a TV or computer screen)




Synopsis for "Phoenix Resurrection part 3: Red Shift - Siren"

At Project PEGASUS, Whizzer analyzes the transdimensional anomalies he detected and deduces they are portals to a parallel Earth. Concerned these breaches could destabilize the multiverse, he tries to contact the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, but they are unavailable. Finally, he gets in contact with Beast of the X-Men and shares his findings. Beast reveals the X-Men have been to the parallel Earth and agrees to study the data Whizzer has collected.



See Also


Try Your Luck

