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Quote1 Yes, now peace negotiations can continue! Quote2
-- Black X

Appearing in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

Featured Characters:

  • Wings Wendall

Supporting Characters:


  • Mongolian military forces

Other Characters:


  • Texas and Oklahoma



Synopsis for "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

"Almost six months of the Second World War had gone by ... six months of tense waiting for the real conflict that would destroy Europe. (...) Winter slows operations ... the military machines halt ... wait for the spring ... but war is not such a game, it spreads." The U.S. President sends Ambassador Blank to Europe, to meet with all the heads of state, to set up yet another peace conference. "The famous secret agent Black X" gets assigned to protect Blank against any "accidents" getting caused by a so-called friendly country. Two days later the superliner "Gull" embarks with Venerable Ambassador Blank and his valet Hawkens, shadowed incognito by Black X and his valet Batu. Two evenings into the crossing, Blank obliviously strolls around on deck as ambushing assassins get stealthily dealt with by Black X and Batu. Later at a smart cafe in Paris, Black X meets-cute with Madame Doom, who seems to now be working for the pre-Vichy French government, and is also interested in Ambassador Blank. That night she sends her killer, an unnamed hunchback descended from Quasimodo of Notre Dame, to the Hotel Beaumont, where he kills the wrong guy (Hawkens the valet), then stupidly returns and tells on himself. Madame Doom has been transmitting coded espionage messages, or progress reports, to somebody else in Paris, via the bells of N.D. cathedral. She has been controlling this nameless drooling tool of a hunchback by playing the role of Esmeralda; he snaps when he sees her vamping up to Black X. There's a dramatic battle in the bell tower at the end of which the hunchback dies, partly from a clipful of Black X ammo, and mainly from a long shrieking fall from the tower, and Madame Doom has bluffed her way to an escape by waving Black X's empty pistol. And Black X later tells Batu that he knew it was empty.

Appearing in "Lippy Largo's Gold Robbery"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lippy Largo

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Lippy Largo's Gold Robbery"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "Death At the Panama Canal"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Professor Dixon
  • Girth
  • Peeper

Other Characters:

  • Doctor Gray
  • Mrs. Gray




Synopsis for "Death At the Panama Canal"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "Invasion"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Invasion"

  • Synopsis not yet written.


  • At the start of this issue's episode of "Espionage": "Almost six months of the second world war had gone by." On Earth-Prime, WWII started on 1939-Sep-03; that plus "almost six months" would be circa Feb 1940.
  • Caption: "In Black X's apartment, the famous secret agent lounges before a radio."
  • In this issue, Bozo the Iron Man flings one robber and his car into the river, and quite literally scares a second one to death, and ensures that a third one gets blown up. Bozo's body count is now not less than 20.

See Also

Links and References


Try Your Luck


Creepy Vol 1 1
Crossgen Logo New

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