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Quote1 Tsk, tsk Skull! You missed. Here's something I was itching to give you when you bent your ugly face over mine in the morgue. Quote2
-- Black Hood src 

With his father dead, and since they were responsible for sending him to the electric chair, the Son of the Skull threatened revenge to Sergeant McGinty and the Black Hood. He kept his promise by killing off a friend of Kip's and kidnapping his girlfriend Barbara Sutton.

Beating him to the punch, the Black Hood faked his own death by pretending to die from a train wreck. When Skull, Jr., visited the dead hero in the morgue, he left frustrated, as his foe did not die by his hands. Upset, and thinking he had nothing to loose, he went back to his hideout to kill Barbara immediately. But of course, the Black Hood was not dead, and he followed his enemy in order to save the woman he loved. Sergeant McGinty arrested Skull, Jr. and sent him to prison. 




Knife. Blowdart gun with poison-tipped darts.


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