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Appearing in "The Mutant Agenda part 1"

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Synopsis for "The Mutant Agenda part 1"

At Xavier’s School, the X-Men finish a training session in the Danger Room, and Beast muses with Archangel about their early days with the team. Beast returns to his room and recalls his time working for the Brand Corporation, including mutating himself into his current furry form. Having learned Brand is hosting a conference on mutation, he fears they are using his research and decides to investigate. Rogue wants to join him, but he convinces her he must go alone by having her use her absorption power to experience his memories. Once Beast leaves, Gambit asks Rogue what he said, and she replies they both want to be left alone. In Manhattan, Spider-Man kisses his wife Mary Jane goodbye and leaves to attend the Brand conference as part of a university course. En route, he and Hobgoblin spot each other and scuffle until Hobgoblin hits him in the face with a ball of glue. While Spider-Man pries the glue from his face and swings to safety, Hobgoblin gets away. In a nearby alley, Beast dons a hat and trench coat to hide his features and goes to the conference. Entering as Peter Parker, Spider-Man sees Beast and recalls the incident that gave him his own powers. Brand CEO Herbert Landon takes the stage and announces the company can now genetically engineer their own mutants, infuriating Beast. Peter’s spider-sense activates just as a bomb goes off near Landon, and Hobgoblin attacks. Beast reveals himself and punches Hobgoblin. Before Hobgoblin can catch Beast in an electrified net, Spider-Man pulls him out of the way. As Spider-Man saves members of the audience from his pumpkin bombs, Hobgoblin gripes that Spider-Man just cost him money, blasts a hole in the ceiling, and escapes. Beast realizes the ceiling is collapsing.


  • This mini-series takes place before Amazing Spider-Man #385.
  • This issue is reprinted in the Spider-Man: The Mutant Agenda trade paperback published in 2013.


See Also


Try Your Luck

