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Quote1 We now hold more information on the Uncreated than the Shi'ar do, and information is weaponry. The question is what do we do with it? Could we save the Shi'ar from the Uncreated with it? Should we? Quote2

Appearing in "Collapsar"

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Synopsis for "Collapsar"

In the Starjammer’s garden, Corsair and Hepzibah discuss the Shi’ar conflict with the Uncreated while, on the bridge, Keeyah demonstrates a special chaff bomb that can project massive decoy holograms. Aboard the Shi’ar royal yacht in Chandilar orbit, T’Cahr reports the Starjammers’ presence near Daimon to Lilandra and asks if a death order against them would displease her. In the Starjammer engine room, Corsair restarts the ship’s self-repair system and argues with Hepzibah about waging piracy against the Shi’ar. They return to the garden, and Corsair tells Hepzibah he does not want to be a pirate anymore. He wants the two of them to move on together. Back on the bridge, Ch’od analyzes wreckage from the Uncreated ship and tells Keeyah why the Shi’ar once enslaved him. Corsair enters, and Ch’od warns him that the Uncreated have followed the Phalanx to Earth. The Starjammer’s systems come back online, but Keeyah determines its faster-than-light drive will only work in an emergency. Raza reports the Shi’ar armada has detected them so Corsair devises an escape plan. Against his orders, Hepzibah waits to drop disruptor bombs until the Shi’ar ships are close enough that the ensuing blast destroys them. Using the ship’s force field, the Starjammers ride the blast wave until the faster-than-light drive activates, carrying them away to safety. Hours later on Standing Still, Ch’od taps into an Uncreated bible he found amongst the debris and explains how the Uncreated killed the entity which created them. He reveals they are not religious fundamentalists but rather genocidal atheists who obliterate any religious culture they encounter. Ch’od realizes they could save the Shi’ar with this information but questions whether they should.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • Excalibur Visionaries: Warren Ellis vol. 2 trade paperback (2010);
    • Starjammers trade paperback (2019).


  • What happened to the Uncreated who reached Earth is explored in Excalibur #88-90.

See Also

Links and References

