Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- StormWatch
- StormWatch One
- Battalion (Apparent Death)
- Diva
- Fuji
- Hellstrike
- Winter
- StormWatch Two
- Weatherman One (Christine Trelane)
- StormWatch One
Supporting Characters:
Synopsis for 1st story
The combined StormWatch One and Two battle the hulking creature while Weatherman One observes from Skywatch and Defile watches from his sanctum. Despite the teams' power, it shrugs off their attacks until Battalion arrives. He is able to separate it from the explosive device attached to its back, causing the creature to fall unconscious. With no time to disarm it, Battalion surrounds it and himself in a telekinetic shield. Diva tries to stop him, but Timespan appears and prevents her from doing so. Stormwatch watches as the device detonates and seemingly vaporizes Battalion.
Appearing in "Epilogue"
Featured Characters:
Synopsis for "Epilogue"
Timespan materializes in Normandy, France in the year 1192. Traveller appears shortly thereafter and attacks him with her powers. Wounded, he teleports away, arriving in New York City four months ago.
- This issue includes a gallery of pin-ups of Battalion by: Gary Frank and Cam Smith, Mike McKone and Mark McKenna, John K. Snyder III, Michael Lopez and Gary Martin, Alex Garner, Roger Cruz, and Jeff Johnson and Dan Panosian.