Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- StormWatch
- StormWatch One
- StormWatch Prime
- StormWatch Two (Disbanded)
- Cannon (Leaves Team)
- Fahrenheit
- Strafe
- Weatherman One (Christine Trelane)
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for 1st story
In Central Park, Strafe vents his grief over Battalion’s death by destroying a statue. When police arrive, he blasts them with his powers and walks away. He returns to his family’s apartment, cynical about Stormwatch and ready to quit, but his mother tells him not to. Aboard Skywatch, doctors study the creature from Mauna Loa while Weatherman One represses her feelings of loss to focus on her leadership duties. When she convenes a team meeting, Flashpoint makes light of Battalion’s death, starting a fight with Strafe. After breaking it up, Christine disbands Stormwatch Two and reassigns Cannon and Fahrenheit to Stormwatch One with Diva as team leader. Believing he should be leader, Cannon is livid and quits the team. Later, most of the team attends Battalion’s funeral. Bendix and Christine eulogize him. After everyone leaves, the sorcerer Argos gloats over his grave. In Skywatch’s observation lounge, Link hangs a picture of Battalion on the wall next to pictures of the fallen Ion and Lancer.
Appearing in "Loose Cannon part 1"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Synopsis for "Loose Cannon part 1"
In his quarters, Cannon is packing his bags when Diva comes to talk to him. She tries to reassure him and talk him into staying, but he remains jealously indignant. Finally, she tells him not to make the mistake of throwing their relationship away. He responds by blasting a hole in the wall and dismissing her as he walks out.
- This issue includes a pin-up of Stormwatch by Pop Mhan and Chuck Gibson.