Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- StormWatch
- StormWatch One
- StormWatch Prime
- Strafe
- Weatherman One (Christine Trelane)
Other Characters:
- WildC.A.T.s
- Dr. Richelt
Synopsis for 1st story
With Weatherman One on leave, Diva is acting leader of Stormwatch. She and Fahrenheit join Fuji in a lab where a doctor has identified the creature from Mauna Loa as Maul of the WildC.A.T.s. They are discussing how little they know of that team and their motives when Void appears and teleports away with the unconscious Maul. Meanwhile, Weatherman One is ambushed while visiting Battalionās grave. In Russia, a terrorist group led by a man named Zond frees M.A.D.-1 from prison. Diva convenes both remaining Stormwatch teams to inform them of Maulās abduction and that Christine has gone missing. When she briefs the little background they have on Maul, Sunburst recognizes the WildC.A.T.s but does not know why. Diva dispatches Stormwatch One with Winter as leader to search for Weatherman One. Strafe is upset he is not on the team and walks out. Weatherman One wakes up in chains in the basement of Argosās New York townhouse. He reveals he has built a new transdimensional gate and that he plans to use her to power it so he can retrieve his army of beasts from Jahkor and conquer Earth.
Appearing in "Loose Cannon part 2"
Featured Characters:
- Hunter-Killers
- unnamed scientist
Synopsis for "Loose Cannon part 2"
On an island in the Pacific, Cannon attacks a Gamorran research facility that builds Hunter-Killers. He fights his way through the facility, destroying waves of H-Ks. In the central lab, he finds a grotesque cyborg scientist experimenting on a young woman.
- This issue includes a pin-up of Fahrenheit and Fuji by Allen Im and Chuck Gibson.