Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Quote1 Listen, we're off rotation. I've got half a bottle of scotch malt in my quarters and John Wayne in The Quiet Man on DVD. Why don't you come join me and kick back? I'll be a perfect gentleman-- scout's honor. Or are you too busy polishing your halo? Quote2

Appearing in "StormFront"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Reapers (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Gaia Rothstein (First appearance)
  • Paragon (First appearance)

Other Characters:



  • Teleport net

Synopsis for "StormFront"

Skywatch III is in orbit above the recently devastated Earth. Thanks to tech and weapons expert Link, the station is able to charge up using solar energy. This has become an issue because Jackson King has been draining the station's power at accelerated rates trying to get as many survivors off the planet's surface and onto the space station. With Christine Trelane at his side, they must prioritize which areas to help first. King sends down Team Omega which consists of Deathblow, Flint, and Fahrenheit. They help liberate some slaves from a fortified camp on the edge of Lake Superior. Things turn ugly when Gaia attacks. Gaia Rothstein is the first recognized century baby (other than Jenny Quantum) but was driven mad by the destruction of the world and became a force of nature that manifested into the form of a giant monster. Team Omega and the former slaves leave, and stranding behind the slave drivers to Gaia's mercy. As Team Omega left, Gaia placed her dead pet goldfish near the lake. Once back on Skywatch III, Team Omega takes a well deserved break.

Back on Earth in North Korea, a super powered dictator called Paragon keeps the local populace in line with his show of power. They even go as far as sacrificing their own to stay in favor with him.

Appearing in "Lynch: One Last Thing - Chapter 4"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Synopsis for "Lynch: One Last Thing - Chapter 4"

Tao reveals to Lynch that he is only a hologram and leads Lynch to believe that he was responsible for the world's current state. He then reveals to Lynch that he has some kind of army and challenges Lynch to try and stop him. Lynch then sets off a beacon that will summon the surviving members of Team 7 to him in order to organize against Tao.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

