Appearing in "The Torch Goes Wild!"
Featured Characters:
- Rabble Rouser (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Doris Evans
- Invisible Girl (Only in flashback)
- The Mayor of New York City and dignataries
- Mr. Fantastic (Only in flashback)
- New York policemen
- Prince Nagamo
- Thing (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for "The Torch Goes Wild!"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Beyond the Purple Veil!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Ancient One (Mentioned)
- Aggamon
(First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Petty thieves
- New York Policemen
- Mormammu (Mentioned)
- Dormammu (Mentioned)
- Hoggoth (Mentioned)
- Vishanti (Mentioned)
- United States Of America
- New York State
- New York City
- Greenwich Village
- Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum
- Greenwich Village
- New York City
- New York State
- Purple Dimension (First appearance)
- Aggamon's jeweled demolisher beam
- Eye of Agamotto
Synopsis for "Beyond the Purple Veil!"
- Synopsis not yet written
- Dr. Strange story is reprinted in Doctor Strange Master of the Mystic Arts (Pocket Books) and Doctor Strange Master of the Mystic Arts (Fireside).
- This issue's first story, "The Human Torch Goes Wild!", is Story # X-605 (as seen on page one).
- In this story, like in the previous issue, Dr. Strange invokes the name of Mormammu, who can be a misspelling of Dormammu. He later invokes Dormammu.
This is the first time Wong is actually called by name.