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Appearing in "The Feats of Chief Super-Duper"

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Synopsis for "The Feats of Chief Super-Duper"

While visiting the Metropolis Indian Museum to gather research for an article in the Daily Planet, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen are shocked to find a totem pole that depicts a young Indian chief named Chief Super-Duper, who has a striking resemblance to Jimmy Olsen. Curious about this Clark "sends for" Superman (secretly changing into his alter ego) and he and Jimmy travel back in time to the 1800's.

There, Jimmy meets the Ravenfoot tribe, and his presence is one fated by their medicine man, as it turns out Jimmy is really Chief Super-Duper. As Superman goes looking for a lost Indian tribe, Jimmy becomes the leader of the Ravenfoot tribe, with Superman's secret aid in performing super-feats. However, Jimmy is such a bungler, the Ravenfoot people believe that Jimmy is a distracted and create a totem effigy of him to ward off evil spirits.

Devastated that he's not a hero to the Ravenfoot people, Jimmy has Superman bring him back to the present. Jimmy's woes are soon forgotten though when Superman awards him with a trophy for his helping Superman solve crimes in the past.

Appearing in "The Meek Jimmy Olsen"

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Synopsis for "The Meek Jimmy Olsen"

When Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen are sent to do a report on inventor Hiram Vandoodle, Vandoolde shows them them his latest invention: a personality switcher, that would make two people swap personalities. When Jimmy's excitement to see the device in action causes him to knock another device out the window and onto the ledge of the building, Jimmy activates the machine which hits both Jimmy and Clark with a beam. Knowing that Jimmy would try to go out and get the device and possibly hurt himself, Clark has to pretend the machine really works and go out and do the "rash" move of collecting the device before Jimmy can.

In order to preserve his secret identity, Clark would spend the rest of the day secretly using his super-powers to make Jimmy act meek in situations where his rash behavior would cause him to do something more outgoing. Eventually convincing Jimmy that he's meek, Clark goes to Vandoodle to "replace" the project only to find that Hiram has scrapped it in favor of working on another project that would allow him to communicate with ants. Convincing Jimmy that the effects of the device wore off, Clark succeeds in maintaining his secret identity.

Appearing in "The Boy Superman"

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Synopsis for "The Boy Superman"

Returning from a report in the flying newsroom, Clark Kent realizes that the sleeve of his suit has been torn revealing his Superman costume underneath. In order to hide it from Lois, Superman stashes it in the helicopter. When Perry White sends Jimmy to cover a crime trial in another town, Jimmy rushes there in the flying newsroom. However, he gets caught in a fog patch while traveling across the mountains, damaging the copter and forcing him to land. Realizing that his signal watch is broken too, Jimmy decides to go to looking for help. With the weather cold, he can only find Superman's costume to keep him warm.

Finding a mountain town of rednecks, Jimmy is believed to be Superman, when trying to disprove himself, by trying to fail at super-feats, some whim of fate or coincidence happens that confirms the idea to the rednecks that Jimmy is Superman. When a local girl name Petunia's father allows her to marry the strongest man in the village, she chooses "Superman" earning the ire of Moose Morton the local strong man who challenges "Superman" in a duel for Petunia's love.

At this point, Clark has gone looking for Jimmy when he realizes the boy never met his destination. He flies over the town just as Moose and Jimmy are about to have their duel. The sight of seeing Clark Kent flying causes Moose to pass out and the people believe that Jimmy beat him in combat and force him to prepare to marry Petunia. Later, Moose revives and tries to get back at Jimmy. When Jimmy slips on a banana peel, Moose believe that he has a chunk of "Kricktynite" and Jimmy takes this a way out and lets Moose "run" him out of town. Having left the Superman costume behind, this allows Clark to steal it back and rescue Jimmy as the Man of Steel.


See Also


Try Your Luck

