Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "The Specter of the Haunted House!"

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Synopsis for "The Specter of the Haunted House!"

Jimmy Olsen is offered $1,000 to spend three days in a haunted house, not knowing it’s a cover-up for a bank robbery.

Appearing in "The Perils of Jimmy Olsen!"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "The Perils of Jimmy Olsen!"

After Jimmy gets sunburned so badly he can’t go to work, Superman helps out by giving him a Jimmy Olsen robot, which the real Jimmy sends in his place.

Appearing in "Jimmy Olsen, Wolf-Man!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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Synopsis for "Jimmy Olsen, Wolf-Man!"

Mr. Mxyzptlk arrives on Earth, fleeing from his girlfriend, Miss Gzptlsnz, on her birthday. He sees Jimmy Olsen with Lucy Lane, and falls head-over-heels for Lucy. Unfortunately, Lucy won't throw Jimmy over for Mxyzptlk, which is a complete change of character for her. Thus, to get revenge, Mxyzptlk causes Jimmy to drink Merlin's wolf-man potion again. However, he first changes the potion to water, and causes Jimmy to gain the wolf-man face and hair by his magic alone. Not even a kiss from "Miss X" (Supergirl in a darkened room) can rid him of the curse this time. Lucy, Lois Lane, Lori Lemaris, and Lana Lang all try their kisses, but none do any good. Finally, Miss Gzptlsnz appears on Earth, having seen what happened, and steals away Jimmy's curse with her kiss. When Mxyzptlk appears, she tricks him into saying his name backwards, and then follows him, promising Jimmy she will nag Mxyzptlk unmercifully for 90 days. Later, Jimmy tries to get another kiss from Lucy, who refuses, saying he's gotten enough kisses lately to last him for months.

See Also


Try Your Luck


Creepy Vol 1 1
Crossgen Logo New

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