Appearing in "Iron Man Faces the Crimson Dynamo!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Crimson Dynamo (Anton Vanko)
(First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Senator Harrington Byrd
(First appearance)
Nikita Khrushchev
- United States Army
- Unnamed officers
- Several Unnamed politicians
- Moscow
- Main Plant - Flushing, NY
- Weapons Test Facility (First appearance) - Westchester, NY
- The Capitol Building, Washington DC
- Iron Man Armor MK II
- Iron Man's Briefcase
- Iron Man's tools
- Tiny, ultra-sensitive tape recorder
- Mechanic ear plugs
- Crimson Dynamo Armor Mark I (First appearance)
- The Stark Industries Y-69 Rocket (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Iron Man Faces the Crimson Dynamo!"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Gargoyles"
Featured Characters:
- Unidentified hunter and guide
- Several scholars
- Wattu
- Gargoyles?
- Africa
Synopsis for "The Gargoyles"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Mr. Flubb's Flashlight"
Featured Characters:
- Fenwick Flubb
- Man of the flashlight
- Cosmos-light
Synopsis for "Mr. Flubb's Flashlight"
- Synopsis not yet written
- The Crimson Dynamo is Iron Man's first armored foe. Anton Vanko is also the first of several villains that were reformed and employed by one of Tony Stark's companies.
- "The Gargoyles" reprinted in Giant-Size Dracula #4
- This issue is reprinted in comics and books, see references for more info.[1]
See Also
Recommended Reading
- Iron Man last appeared in Tales of Suspense #45 (Last Issue); He appears next in Marvel Comics Presents #58.
- Crimson Dynamo appears next in Tales of Suspense #52.
Links and References
Review of this issue:
- ↑ This issue is reprinted in the following comics/TPB's: