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Task Force X, also called the Squad, was Project Cadmus' black-ops field unit of expendable and deniable specialists, performing missions with high risks of death.


Operating on behalf of the United States Government under Amanda Waller, Task Force X was kept in line by explosive implants in their heads which could be activated from their Belle Reve headquarters or remotely by field leader Rick Flag. When Task Force member Killer Croc escaped, Flag led Deadshot and Captain Boomerang to take him back into custody alive.[2]

Near a zoo, the Task Force located Croc and Harley Quinn—a recent Arkham Asylum parolee who sought to expose the Task Force for its supposed use of mind-controlling nanites, as claimed by Croc; Quinn struck Deadshot and knocked Boomerang unconscious before splitting up with Croc to flee. While Deadshot pinned his erstwhile teammate beneath a tree branch,[3] Flag hit Quinn with a tranquilizer dart only to discover that her history of toxin exposure had left her immune to its effects. Rising, Quinn lured Boomerang into a hyena enclosure as Croc ambushed Flag and demanded a leave of absence from the Task Force, conceding that he would return within the week and gambling that Flag would not order the death of a valuable asset. Deadshot, not waiting for Flag's order to fire on Croc nevertheless had his shot blocked by Harley Quinn, who outfought the Task Force members only to be surrounded by soldiers led by Amanda Waller to retrieve Croc. Waller revealed the nanites as a fiction and, impressed by her performance, offered Quinn a place in Task Force X which she declined before leaving the scene.[2]



See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 Batman: The Adventures Continue Season Three #5
  2. 2.0 2.1 Batman and Harley Quinn #7 (Digital)
  3. Batman and Harley Quinn #6 (Digital)
  4. Batman: The Adventures Continue Season Three #3


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