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Quote1 Craven wanted super-soldiers. He should have expected a few monsters. Quote2
Cole Cash

Appearing in "The Damned Don't Die"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Amos Didana (Only appearance; dies)[1]




Synopsis for "The Damned Don't Die"

Craven and his psychic deputy Gabriel Newman arrive on site in Africa as IO scientists retrieve Team 7, all of whom are comatose. The entire mission was a setup by Craven to test the effects of the experimental weapon. A week later, Lynch wakes up in IO headquarters in the care of scientist Alicia Turner. Craven enters and deceives Lynch with a cover story about faulty intelligence. Elsewhere, Team 7 member Berckmann has been restrained after he clawed his eyes out, and Richard McNamara a.k.a. Boloround commits suicide after he accidentally kills several guards by emitting explosive energy blasts. Able to telepathically sense the team’s pain, Newman tries to resign, but Craven refuses to let him. They gather the surviving team members and begin putting them through a battery of tests. All of them exhibit psionic powers such as precognition and telekinesis except Deathblow. Newman visits the IO building’s Level Nine, which does not officially exist, and is telepathically attacked by one of the beings held captive there. Cash deduces the mission was a deliberate setup and confesses his realization to Turner. With Team 7 physically recovered, IO sends them back to Africa to overthrow dictator Amos Didana. After the team takes Didana’s palace, Cash and Lynch watch in horror as their teammate Andrew Johnson telepathically forces Didana to commit suicide. Recognizing Johnson has become psychopathic, Cash immediately shoots and kills him. Lynch objects, but Cash just tells him to turn a blind eye as he does to everything else.


  • This issue includes a pin-up of Team 7 and Miles Craven by Jeff Rebner and Chuck Gibson.
  • This issue is reprinted in the Team 7 trade paperback published in 1995.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References


  1. First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks