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Quote1 Any dream worth having, Erik...is a dream worth fighting for. Quote2
-- Charles Xavier

Appearing in "Legion Quest part 3: Auld Lang Syne"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Legion (also disguised as Charles Xavier)

Other Characters:

  • Shi'ar
  • Uri (Single appearance)[1] (Only in flashback)




  • Shi'ar spaceship

Synopsis for "Legion Quest part 3: Auld Lang Syne"

Professor X recalls discussing the future of mutantkind with a young Magneto in a Haifa bar 20 years earlier. When Xavier saw another customer bullying a disabled man, he intervened and overpowered the bully. Then, the bully’s friends attacked him, starting a brawl. Magneto came to Xavier’s aid, and they knocked out all their assailants. Now, Cable marvels at the story as Shi’ar engineers place him, Professor X, and Phoenix in a device that will enable Cable to project his mind back in time. With the fate of the universe at stake, the X-Men discuss their fears and watch the Shi’ar activate the device. 20 years in the past, Bishop and Iceman take a lunch break from their jobs as dock workers to visit Psylocke and Storm. Bishop gets testy when Psylocke says she needs more time to telepathically restore their memories. Aboard a ferry to Haifa, Magnus encourages Xavier to pursue his relationship with Gabrielle Haller even though she was his patient. Meanwhile, Legion comes upon Gabrielle, telepathically disguises himself as Xavier, and assaults her. After the ferry docks, Xavier senses her distress, and he and Magnus rush to find her. Nearby, Cable appears to Bishop. Thinking Bishop is under attack, Storm, Psylocke, and Iceman run to his aid. Cable links their minds through Bishop, warns that they must stop Legion, and vanishes. As Magnus and Xavier find Gabrielle, Legion hovers before them and declares Magnus must die.


  • This issue is part three of the four-part "Legion Quest" crossover with X-Men. The story continues from X-Men Vol 2 #40, and it continues in Cable #20 and X-Men Vol 2 #41.
  • Following this issue, the series went on hiatus for four months and was replaced by the Astonishing X-Men mini-series as part of the "Age of Apocalypse" event.
  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • X-Men: Legion Quest trade paperback (1995);
    • X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Prelude trade paperback (2011);
    • X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus hardcover (2012);
    • X-Men: Age of Apocalypse vol. 1: Alpha trade paperback (2015);
    • X-Men: Legionquest hardcover (2018).

See Also

Recommended Reading


  1. First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks

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