Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "What Price Love"

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Synopsis for "What Price Love"

Appearing in "The Haunted Child"

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Synopsis for "The Haunted Child"

A pair of psychic researchers secure the release of an autistic child from an asylum for one week in an attempt to reunite her body with her soul that is believed to haunt a house. They succeed in uniting the child's body with a soul, but unfortunately for them it isn't the soul of a little girl, but the soul of a serial killer who murders the two of them with a meat cleaver.

Appearing in "Nimrod"

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Synopsis for "Nimrod"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "Cold Calculation"

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Synopsis for "Cold Calculation"

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Appearing in "The Dead Howl at Midnight"

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Synopsis for "The Dead Howl at Midnight"

A mortician creates a Franken-child which is sent to the orphanage to be put up for adoption. The farmers who adopt him are cruel and treat him as though he were a slave. He escapes and returns to the orphanage where he shows the head mistress the scars the man has inflicted upon his back with the lash. The adoptive parents show up at the orphanage and accuse the child of lying, whereupon all the children and head mistress disrobe showing that all of them were stitched together out of dead body parts by the mortician. The adoptive parents are killed and their body parts are made use of.

See Also


Try Your Luck


Charlton Comics
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