This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Vanisher (Earth-1610). |
Vanisher is a mutant with the power to teleport himself and possibly others across an undefined amount of distance. Magneto recognized his talent and offered him membership in the Brotherhood of Mutants. Vanisher accepted and was sent to New York where the Brotherhood managed to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. He then (with Hard-Drive's help) managed to teleport the Brotherhood from New York to an undisclosed location outside the city. While watching a report on the news about their terrorist act, Captain America and the Ultimates attacked the Brotherhood and captured most of them. Vanisher managed to escape until he was beaten into submission by the Black Widow. He was then taken into custody along with his fellow Brotherhood members[2]. His current whereabouts are unknown.
Powers and Abilities
Vanisher is a mutant with the power to teleport himself and possibly others across an unknown amount of distance.
Links and References
- 1 Appearances of Vanisher (Earth-1610)
- Minor Appearances of Vanisher (Earth-1610)
- Media Vanisher (Earth-1610) was Mentioned in
- Images featuring Vanisher (Earth-1610)
- Quotations by or about Vanisher (Earth-1610)
- Character Gallery: Vanisher (Earth-1610)
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