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Quote1 Do you know how honked off it makes us that after we trash, bash and smash all of you......there aren't even going to be any brains to eat? Quote2
-- Venom

Appearing in "Part Two: From Russia With Blood-Lust!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Dr. Yes (Sergei Yesenofsky) (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Red Flag (Kostya Yesenofsky) (First appearance as Red Flag) (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Monika

Other Characters:




  • Hydrofoil

Synopsis for "Part Two: From Russia With Blood-Lust!"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Solicit Synopsis

  • Now with the law on his side, Venom's been unleashed against Dr. Yes, a madman with a bio-hazardous toxin and world domination on his mind.
  • There's an army of terrorists standing between Eddie and his target which means Venom gets a tasty appetizer before the main course.


"From Russia with Love" was a 1963 James Bond film, loosely based on the 1957 Fleming novel "From Russia, with Love".

See Also


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