Appearing in "Unholy Alliances"
Featured Characters:
- Adrian Chase (Flashback and main story)
- Vigilante
Supporting Characters:
- "The Boss" (Behind the scenes)
- Bates
- Leo Hage
- Krebs (Single appearance)[1]
- Benny (Only appearance; dies)[1], Mr. Wong (Only appearance; dies)[1] , Daniel (Only appearance; dies)[1], Mr. Wang (Only appearance; dies)[1]
Other Characters:
- Alan Welles (deceased) (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Anne Pasquale (First appearance)
- Captain Hall
- Charles Chase (In a photograph only)
- Inspector Jack O'Connor
- Molly Williams (First appearance) (Flashback and main story)
- Nussbaum (First appearance)
- Harlem
- Midtown
- Midtown South Police Headquarters
- Ninth Avenue and 43rd Street
- Greenwich Village
- Chelsea
- Chinatown
Synopsis for "Unholy Alliances"
- Synopsis not yet written