Hey Kids Comics Wiki

A loyal, patriotic American, Warren Griffith joined the United State Military the day after his eighteenth birthday, but was wounded and crippled soon after. Desperate to get back on the front lines, Griffiths volunteered for Project M, in which Dr. Myron Mazursky attempted to creat human/animal hybrids patterned after classic horror archtypes. Griffith was transformed into a human/wolf hybrid, and together with former RAF Capt. Vincent Velcoro, living legend Frankenstein, and Dr. Mazursky's civilian daughter Nina, he served in the Creature Commandos, under the command of Lt. Matthew Shrieve. Together, this unusual crew helped end the Second World War.

When they returned to the United States, however, the Creature Commandos discovered that things had changed. Project M had fallen under the control of Robert Crane, who considered Mazursky's work to be evil and condemned the Creature Commandos to spend the rest of their existence in cryogenic suspension.

Sixty-five years passed, but a malfunction in the tank that held Frankenstein allowed him to break out, and soon he freed Mazursky, Velcoro, and Griffith. Now they are searching for Dr. Mazursky's notes, hoping to find a way to reverse Velcoro and Griffith's transformations.




Diminished Intellect: Whether as a result of the experiments which gave him his abilities or as a result of years in cryogenic suspension, Griffith's intelligence and self-control have been severely degraded.

Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985-86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.

  • 14 Appearances of Warren Griffith (New Earth)
  • Minor Appearances of Warren Griffith (New Earth)
  • Media Warren Griffith (New Earth) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Warren Griffith (New Earth)
  • Quotations by or about Warren Griffith (New Earth)
  • Character Gallery: Warren Griffith (New Earth)


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