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Appearing in 1st story

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Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Adm. Halsey (First appearance)




Synopsis for 1st story

As their jet flies over the Balkans, the members of U.S. special forces Team 7 speculate about the nature of their current mission.  Their leader Col. Jackson Dane reveals they are en route to Transylvania to infiltrate a terrorist base and retrieve a biological weapon.  In Washington, D.C., International Operations chief Miles Craven briefs a protesting admiral on the true nature of the threat.  Team 7 parachutes onto the base as cyborg Mother-One watches nearby and waits with IO troops to sanitize the site.  Inside, Team 7 finds several terrorists dead already. They reach the main lab and, instead of a weaponized virus, discover tanks full of golden liquid saturated with nanotech.  A woman hiding in a vent shoots one of the tanks, and liquid spills all over Team 7 member Claymore, covering his skin.  A squad of terrorists enters and opens fire.  They prove unusually difficult to kill, leading Team 7 to deduce they are not human.  Dozens more terrorists approach, and Claymore single-handedly engages them, discovering that the liquid is a symbiote that functions as body armor and gives him superhuman strength and speed.  The rest of Team 7 soon joins him, having exposed themselves to the liquid to avoid being slaughtered.  They fight their way through the terrorists until charges they set detonate, destroying the base.  Thanks to their new symbiotes, they emerge unscathed.  Craven panics upon learning Team 7 is still alive and orders the waiting IO troops to eliminate them.  Piloting an IO gunship, Mother-One reveals she is bonded to a symbiote as well, wipes out the IO troops, and jumps to the ground.  She introduces herself to Team 7, explains that the terrorists they fought were vampires, and invites them to join her employer in his war against the Vampire Nation.  Later, the vampire Prince Drakken surveys the wreckage of the base with his entourage and declares war on humanity.


  • This story takes place before Wetworks' first appearance in WildC.A.T.s vol. 1 #2.
  • This issue is reprinted in the Wetworks: Rebirth trade paperback published in 1996.

See Also

Links and References

