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Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:





Synopsis for 1st story

Dozer opens fire on the vampire masses while Dane gets the wounded Claymore to safety in a medical compartment of Dozer’s massive armor. Jester takes down a pack of vampires, briefly shape-shifting to mimic their form before returning to normal. Mother-One takes note and joins the fight herself just as Grail arrives. The team regroups, and Dane orders them to pull out. Elsewhere, the Blood Queen reluctantly agrees to leave with Red and orders her general Raithan to organize resistance against Drakken’s rule. As she and Red depart, Raithan slays an attacking stone worm called a Garond. Dane grows tired as he fights his way through the vampire horde. Someone shoots one sneaking up on him from behind, and he sees it is Pilgrim. Clad in new armor, she tells Dane she will always watch his back and disappears. Wetworks reaches the surface along with a fleeing crowd of creatures Dane assumes were the vampires’ prisoners. Dozer shoots the entrance to Dras’adin behind them, sealing it with rubble. Raithan and Drakken both learn the queen escaped successfully. Enraged, Drakken slays an innocent prisoner. On a nearby glacier, the Blood Queen hints to Red that all of this has occurred by design. Free of her obligations as queen, she declares she is once more the Dragoness and excitedly tells Red to race her to the nearest village.

Appearing in "The Lone One (part 4)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Justine Frankenstein





Synopsis for "The Lone One (part 4)"

As Conrad tries to convince Justine to reanimate the Monster’s mate, the Monster bursts in fighting a werewolf. Conrad shuts the door to keep the other wolves out, but the one who got in recognizes Conrad and says he is an even greater monster. Conrad silences the werewolf and tells Justine to give the Monster to him. She refuses, and he attacks her, claiming that he created the Monster centuries ago as an immortal form for his soul. But, his apprentice Victor Frankenstein completed the Monster too soon with a soul of its own. Now, running out of ways to keep his own body alive, Conrad wants to take over the Monster’s. To stop him, Justine opens the door and lets the other werewolves in, triggering a massive explosion. Later, the Monster finds a piece of his mate’s body on the banks of the Rhine and sets out to find the rest of her.

See Also

Links and References

