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Appearing in "Timequake part 1: What if the Fantastic Five Had Invaded the Negative Zone?"

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Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Timequake part 1: What if the Fantastic Five Had Invaded the Negative Zone?"

Spider-Man is a member of the Fantastic Five. Susan Richards is about to give birth and she and her baby will die unless they can get a power tube from Annihilus who is in the Negative Zone. Spider-Man, the Human Torch, Mr. Fantastic and the Thing all travel to the Zone to retrieve the tube. While they easily overcome Annihilus and his defenses due to the added strength of Spider-Man, they are all taken down by Dr. Doom who wants the tube for himself. After securing the tube, Doom is met with an unknown figure who shows him what will happen if he doesn't give the FF the tube. He shows Reed Richards going insane and destroying the world. Doom has his doubts but gives up the tube to the FF. Annihilus soon wakes up and Doom holds him off so the FF can escape. Bewildered by Doom's actions, the FF manage to get to the hospital in time where Susan safely gives birth to Franklin.

Appearing in "Lady Deathstrike got a hangnail"

Featured Characters:

  • Wolverine

Supporting Characters:


  • Lady Deathstrike

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Lady Deathstrike got a hangnail"

  • Synopsis not yet written

See Also

Links and References

